Locals hate students and the University, and used to kill them on
a regular basis in the 16th century.
2. The music scene in Oxford is one of the best in the world at
the moment. Started by Ride, Oxford bands now include Radiohead,
Supergrass, Hurricane #1, The Egg, and Thom's younger brother's
band, The Unbelievable Truth.
3. Football (soccer to Americans) is obsessive here as it is in
other parts of Europe. See http://www.oufc.co.uk.
4. Everyone seems to ride bikes, it is almost impossible to drive
into the centre without killing one.
5. Most importantly, don't ever make the mistake of assuming people
from Oxford are all upper-class snobs, you can't be further from
the truth. Oxford has one of the largest homeless populations outside
Please visit Oxlink for maps
and more info on what to see and do while visiting Oxford.